Do you need help with an expense report? 814-863-9713
The SAP Concur Help Desk is available by phone Monday through Friday 8:00 AM until 4:00 PM at 814-863-9713, by email to [emailprotected], or a request can be submitted by webform from the SAP ConcurContact Us page. SAP Concur Support staff can walk you through any task related to your SAP Concur Expense Report.
Do you need assistance with travel reservations? 814-258-6111 or 833-827-3331
SAP Concur is integrated with the Travel OnLion Reservation System. SAP Concur and onLion share a common home page. The Expense menu contains the functions for SAP Concur. The Travel section is for onLion services. Anthony Travel can be reached 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday by calling 814-258-6111 or 833-827-3331 or by email to [emailprotected]. Travelers requiring after-hours emergency service can call 888-669-3948.
Per Diem Resources
As of July 1, 2015 all PSU reimbursem*nts for CONUS Meals & Incidentals and OCONUS Meals, Incidentals & Lodging will be based on U.S. General Services Administration per diem policy. Travel Allowance calculations in SAP Concur automatically follow the new per diem calculations for any itinerary added to a report.
- Look up CONUS Per Diem Rates
- View the CONUS Meal and Incidental Expenses Breakdown Chart
- CONUS lodging expense will continue to be reimbursed on the basis of the actual expense incurred.
- M&IE (Meals & Incidentals) rate is found all the way to the right-- the last item in the line for the location.
Download the Per Diem Calculation Details Document
Why am I not able to log in?
If you previously attempted to log in at, your profile may have been locked due to too many attempts. Contact the SAP Concur Help Desk for assistance, and only log in from or
What if my destination is not listed in the GSA search results?
If the city is not listed, but the county is, then the per diem rate is the rate for that entire county. If the city and the county are not listed, then that location receives the standard CONUS location rate. All locations in SAP Concur have been assigned a county.
Visit the National Association of Counties website at to determine the county a destination is located in.
Where is my Reimbursem*nt?
If you received an email from Concur that said your report status has been set to paid, within 2-3 business days you will receive an email from [emailprotected] advising when the funds will be available in your bank account.
Hershey Medical Center employees receive reimbursem*nts as a check mailed to the address specified on the expense report.
Did you receive an e-mail that you have a Report Ready for Submission?
Follow these steps:
- Log in. Click green button in upper left corner.
- Click Expense tab.
- In Active Reports click on the report name of your report. (e-mail message contains the report name).
- Expenses are now displaying on the left side of the screen.
- Click Submit Report button in upper right side of screen.
- Next click Close.
- You are finished. Close browser tab.
Do you need to set up a delegate for yourself?
Follow these steps:
- Log in.
- Click Profile in upper right corner of screen.
- Click Profile Settings.
- Click Expense Delegates on left side of screen in the Expense Settings section.
- Click Add button.
- In Search field type in last name or e-mail address of person that will be the delegate.
- Click on name in the Search Results.
- Name will be added to list.
- Click checkboxes for Can Prepare and Can View Receipts. NOTE: Do not select any other checkboxes unless you have been instructed to do so by someone in your department.
- Click Save button.
- You are finished. Close browser tab.
Do you want to change the number of e-mail notifications you receive about status changes to your submitted reports?
Follow these steps:
- Log in.
- Click Profile in upper right corner of screen.
- Click Profile Settings.
- Click Expense Preferences on left side of screen in the Expense Settings section.
- Look for the Send email when . . . section.
- Uncheck all the checkboxes in this section.
- DO NOT edit any other section of this page.
- Click Save.
- You are finished. Close browser tab.
Why isn't the city I need available for my itinerary?
Cities are added manually to SAP Concur. To get a city added contact the SAP Concur Help Desk.
University Travel Policy
SAP Concur provides consistent application of the University travel policy. Exceptions to policy will be flagged by the system. Click here to view the University Travel Policy.
SAP Concur Data for Reporting Purposes
The SAP Concur Data Warehouse was retired on December 31, 2016 and taken offline in May 2017.
The SAP Concur on-line Business Intelligence tool will be used as the single source for SAP Concur reporting data. The tool provides data that is current as of the previous day and facilitates development of personalized reporting extracts. SAP Concur Support Staff will work with you to determine your data criteria and create a data set specific to your reporting needs. After a data set is established, it can be scheduled for extraction into an Excel format and delivered to you as an email attachment at regular intervals (daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc.).
Please contact Dawn Haines([emailprotected]) for your SAP Concur reporting needs.