Where to find Fungal Wood in ARK Fjordur (2024)

The world of ARK Fjordur is quite deadly. It is crawling with bloody-thirsty dinosaurs, yes, but there are also other creatures that look harmless but go on a destruction spree when angered. To survive in such environments, players need to build and craft items that will help them fend off such threats.

Fungal wood is of the many items that survivors will come across in ARK Fjordur. It can't be found that easily, but is an important ingredient in a lot of essential crafting recipes. Having said that, here are some places where they will come across fungal wood.

All Fungal Wood spawn locations in ARK Fjordur

Fungal wood is a rare resource in the world of ARK Fjordur. Given that it's an important component of some late-game items, it's understandable why it's such a rare spawn. It can be found at the following few coordinates on the continent:

  • Asgard: 33.5 Latitude, 45.3 Longitude
  • Vannaland: 66.7 Latitude, 79.7 Longitude
  • Valguero: 38.9 Latitude, 57.6 Longitude

Since it's fungal wood, players will need to look out for fungal outgrowths like mushrooms. These plants usually yield fungal wood when broken. The same holds true for the fungi that spawn underwater as well.

For now, these are the only three locations where the item spawns. Now, apart from Asgard, the two remaining locations are underwater, so players will have to take appropriate precautions while trying to farm fungal wood.

Moreover, the seas are quite dangerous because they're filled with deadlier organisms than on land. Unless someone manages to tame a fish and craft appropriate gear for underwater explorations, farming fungal wood underwater isn't a great idea.

Secondly, the desired item spawns in the purple tree region on Asgard. This is where Shadowmanes spawn as well, so survivors looking to farm fungal wood in this area need to be careful as well. The Shadowmane is a deadly creature and possesses the ability to go invisible, so players will need to be careful while trying to farm fungal wood in these areas as well.

Having said that, they will need to craft a metal hatchet before they can effectively farm fungal wood. Once they manage to craft the chainsaw, they can ditch the hatchet as well because hitting a fungal wood stalk with a chainsaw yields humongous amounts of this item.

For some reason, whenever someone hits a fungal wood stalk with a stone hatchet, it just drops regular wood. Since it's a form of wood anyway, fungal wood can also be used in place of regular type when it comes to building structures and crafting items, but it's not a very wise idea.

Items that require fungal wood as an ingredient

Fungal wood was introduced alongside the Aberration update in ARK: Survival Evolved. Now, some of the animals introduced with the update can be found in ARK Fjordur as well, and the Ravager and the Karkinos are two such examples.

To craft their saddles, players will need to use a considerable amount of fungal wood. Not only that, it's essential to craft the fish basket, which is in turn required to tame a Shadowmane.

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Christie Applegate

Update: 2024-06-10

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Where to find Fungal Wood in ARK Fjordur (2024)


Where to find Fungal Wood in ARK Fjordur? ›

Fungal wood is a rare resource in the world of ARK Fjordur. Given that it's an important component of some late-game items, it's understandable why it's such a rare spawn. It can be found at the following few coordinates on the continent: Asgard: 33.5 Latitude, 45.3 Longitude.

How to spawn fungal wood? ›

The GFI code for Fungal Wood is FungalWood. Use this command to give yourself one or more Fungal Wood.

What can you make with fungal wood ark? ›

Crafted with Fungal Wood (Aberration)
  • Fish Basket (Aberration)
  • Zip-Line Anchor (Aberration)
  • Ravager Saddle (Aberration)
  • Portable Rope Ladder (Aberration)

Where to find fungal wood ark the center? ›

hey guys, quick follow up to finding fungal wooden arc. if you're looking for it, go to 16.8 34 16.8 34. at those coordinates there's a big rock. you can land, jump in the water, start harvesting as much as you want.

What is the secret forest fungi? ›

Forest visitors tend to look for single paths between the trees. But hidden below the forest floor a tangled maze of pathways connects trees together. Unseen, this vast fungal network shuttles carbon and other nutrients around the forest.

How do you identify wood fungi? ›

Wood fungus can be identified by observing its physical characteristics such as shape, color, texture, and location. Examples of wood fungus types include: Shelf Fungi, Artist's Conk, Turkey Tail, and Sulfur Tuft, each with distinctive characteristics.

How do you harvest fungal wood? ›

It can be harvested from large mushrooms using tools, creatures, or your bare hands, but is most efficiently harvested with a Metal Hatchet.

How do you grow fungus on wood? ›

Using a 9 or 10mm drill bit, drill holes every 15cm along the length of the logs. Tap dowels into the drilled holes, making sure they're flush with the surface of the bark. Seal the holes with wax and wrap the logs in plastic to stop them drying out. You should be harvesting your home-grown mushrooms within six months.

Can you get fungal wood on valguero? ›

Fungal Wood is a resource introduced in Aberration and also available on Valguero, Genesis: Part 1, Crystal Isles, Genesis: Part 2, Lost Island, and Fjordur.

Where is fungal wood in Ark Fjordur? ›

Fungal wood grows underwater, and your best bet for finding it is near where you can harvest giant beehives.

Can you use wood instead of fungal wood ark? ›

Fungal wood has a child/parent relationship with regular wood meaning that fungal can be used as a replacement for regular, but any recipes that require fungal have to have it.

What is the best wood farmer in Ark? ›

Best Gatherers
  1. Chainsaw. ★︎4.9.
  2. Castoroides. ★︎4.7.
  3. Metal Hatchet. ★︎4.6.
  4. Tek Stryder. ★︎4.2.
  5. Therizinosaurus. ★︎4.1.
  6. Roll Rat. ★︎4.1.
  7. Mammoth. ★︎4.1.
  8. Mantis. ★︎4.

Where should I spawn in Fjordur? ›

Vardiland - North is probably the best spawning location in ARK Fjordur. Again, users have to discover the coastal area to find a shipwreck. Else, they can respawn several times until they spawn right next to it.


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Name: Kieth Sipes

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.